Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fire Hazard!

Our chimney pipe rusted, broke, and fell on the house. It was actually leaning on the roof! The woodburning stove is our primary source of heat so we obviously had a fire burning at the time. The pipe was not hot enough to burn the roof so it was not an immediate safety hazard. We let the fire go out.
When Bash took the cooled pipe down he discovered that our chimney was heaping full of creosote(I think)! Creosote is a HUGE fire hazard in chimneys. Thank God we did not have a chimney fire!
I suppose I will be learning how to properly clean and maintian a chimney soon.
I thank God for allowing our chimney to rust fast so we could discover this fire hazard. He protected us from a fire that was bound to happen in the very near future. (I believe that God can, and does, keep things from decaying in the usual way/time frame and can also cause them to decay faster for His divine purposes)
We do have a much less efficient, temporary, alternative heat source for now so we are staying warm.

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