Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sierra's Egg Stash

Zac accidentally discovered Sierra's stash of seventeen eggs!
She was nestled between a shed and an old steel bedframe that had grass and weeds growing tall enough to make her feel sheltered. (we had to pull everything back to get the picture)
She usually laid her eggs in a small crate which is inside the enclosure we keep her and Blaire in at night to protect them from predators. (They free range during the day.) Blaire usually laid her eggs in the garage.
We assumed they stopped laying because they were stressed after we took them to a friends house when we went to Kansas and they just hadn't fully recovered. We continued to keep an eye out for eggs around the yard.
Now we have to find Blair's egg stash. There are a lot of potential hiding places for nests out here in the woods.

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