Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I Fixed My Pump!

My pump broke and we were without water...again! Ugh. It has happened so many times that it has become a minor inconvenience rather than a huge obstacle to overcome. Regardless, it is a pain to not have running water in my home.
The cover to the well pit jarred and broke a small copper pipe. Water was spraying everywhere. Well, that's an exaggeration. The water was spraying in the well pit and a little on the ground.
Any sort of repair that requires me getting greasy or laying on the ground or being cold and wet and dirty is not my thing, but I put my big girl pants on and tried to figure it out.
I did figure it out but we could not get the nut off to fix it! I kept going back to it and it finally broke loose! I took my parts to the wonderdul hardware store guys (who are always patient when explaining in detail how to fix my problem) and spent a grand total of $1.88. Thank GOD! That's the cheapest repair around here yet.
We have running water again and no leaks. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Yes God is Good! I am soo happy that you have water again and at such a great price! =) Good job fixing that too! =D
