Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pie Auction Fun

We had a blast at the pie auction. Sadly the boyz were too old to participate in the kids auction.
We had $20 to spend on a pie, but I let them go up to $22.50. We were outbid every time.
A boy at the table next to us asked if we wanted to share a pie if he contributed his money. We had $5 more to bid. We continued to be outbid.
A third kid decided to add his money too. We were finally able to get a pie for $52! I think they felt sorry for us because the pastor pointed out that they were bidding against children. LOL
The kids got forks, a knife, and a few plates and shared the pie. Many people shared their pies with everyone and we were able to sample different pies, including some unusual ones. We tried a Ritz cracker pie and a friend gave us the rest of a mystery pie that reminded me of a pecan pie with no nuts. It had coconut and pinto beans in it. I could not tell there were beans in it either. That sounds awful but it was quite yummy.
We had lots of fun!

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