Thursday, January 14, 2010

You are Loved

We think that we have to take what is broken and make it perfect again. God thinks in an entirely different way. He took what was perfect (His Son) and through His brokenness brought us healing. Because of this, our brokenness can bring healing to others too, and in the process, it can also heal us. You are loved just as you are, brokenness and all. -Isaihah 53:5

This is another facebook status I borrowed from a friend. I love this! I used to really struggle with wanting to skip the growth process and be healed and struggle-free "right now." My aunt shared a story that helped me a lot about a cracked water pot that wished it were perfect like the pot its owner carried in his other hand while gathering water. She shared that the cracked pot dripped while being carried and as a result watered the flowers growing along the path. I eventually realized that the experience of the trip itself is more valuable than just arriving at your destination. Relax and enjoy the ride!

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