Friday, January 29, 2010
Frosty Trees
I figured I would post this pic today because it is cold here again. It got down to 7 degrees today/tonight, not including the wind chill. Brrr! It is supposed to warm up after the weekend though. We will spend a lot of time hanging around the fireplace until then. We will also let the water run continuously(it is actually more like a trickle than running) until it warms up to avoid a repeat of the broken pump incident. We prefer having running water at our home.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Oops! I didn't mean to
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Definition Of Gossip - The Principal - Part 1
I have been pondering the concept of gossip a lot again lately. Several friends and I used a similar definition many years ago attempting to define a moral standard, or principal, to govern the conversations we shared in and out of the group. To illustrate this I will share events from my life and convert them into mini conversations that are edifying and contrasting them with conversations that I consider to be gossip. I do not claim to be any sort of authority on gossip but do attempt to live a pure life for God. It is so easy to talk about what we know (our friends and families lives?) without considering or realizing the effect our words may have on the hearer and those being talked about, and how the things we say may be misunderstood, or used with negative or evil intent by the hearer, or shared again for entertainment.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
We Are Home!!!
Thank you, Rob and Jackie, for putting up with us...I mean putting us up...while our pipes were frozen.
Thank you, Rob and Bob and Bash, for working so hard on our pump and pipes and other things involved in getting our water flowing freely again.
You all are great! Thanks!
We are very happy to be home.
You are Loved
This is another facebook status I borrowed from a friend. I love this! I used to really struggle with wanting to skip the growth process and be healed and struggle-free "right now." My aunt shared a story that helped me a lot about a cracked water pot that wished it were perfect like the pot its owner carried in his other hand while gathering water. She shared that the cracked pot dripped while being carried and as a result watered the flowers growing along the path. I eventually realized that the experience of the trip itself is more valuable than just arriving at your destination. Relax and enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Trust In The Lord
You can wait upon the Lord because His timing is always perfect.
You can trust in the Lord because He makes no mistakes.
You can hope in the Lord because He holds your future.
You can rest in the Lord because He is in control of your life.
You can lean upon the Lord because He is completely faithful.
I recently borrowed that from a friends facebook status. The photo is of a tree across the street from our home.
We are still working on our frozen water situation. The pump has been repaired, new (and working) heat tape has been attached, and the pipes are still thawing. My brother and sister in law offered to let us stay in their big house until we have running water again. My brother, his father, and Bash have been working on my pipes and pump. Yayee for awesome family!!! Thank you, God, for providing the funds and help to get this job done. We are very blessed!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Frozen Pipes
Happy 2010!
We had a lot of super yummy homemade pizza. The boyz went bank surfing three times! (Bank surfing is a bunch of kids on a handful of sleds being whipped from snow bank to snow bank behind an ATV. Fun!)
We always enjoy our visits up north with them and wish we could do it more often.
I forgot to take pictures. The only picture I have is of the counter heaped with many pizza slices. Yum!