Monday, March 29, 2010

Kathryns Pinewood Derby RV

Bashs Pinewood Derby Semi

Zacs Pinewood Derby Car

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Shoe Tree Spring 2010

I took the boyz and the dogs up north yesterday. It was a beautiful day for a drive. I couldn't resist taking another pic of the shoe tree. I like it. I noticed a tree with cds and/or dvds hung all over it in the same town. The sun reflected off the discs so it appeared as though weird CHRISTmas lights were on the tree. I didn't see it in time to stop and take a picture and didn't feel like turning around. Maybe next time. I will go back up north and pick the boyz up tomorrow. I really missed them tonight and can't wait to see them.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pretty Bush

I don't really have much else to say but I want to share this photo. I love the velvity-reddish color of the fuzzy berry things on these bushes. So pretty!

A Nice Walk

We had a great walk/bike ride the other day. It was beautiful and the sun was shining. The boyz had a blast riding their bikes. We talked and laughed. The boyz each nearly ran me over with their bikes because they were fooling around. (Nobody got hurt, but it was funny...and I gave them a little scolding. LOL) Our road is an awesome place to take a walk. I really love living in the boonies! Moments like these are what make life so awesome. We are so very blessed. God is good! :)

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Neat Tree

I noticed this neat tree while the boyz and I were out wandering around and enjoying a warm and sunny afternoon. I hope you can see what I saw. The tree in the middle has pink-ish bark. It reminded me of a birch tree.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some Thoughts On Character

Character is who u r when noone is looking. One can fake good character4 a while, but eventually will slip up&his true character will be revealed. I used 2 think the best of ppl&believed that if person acted bad but stopped after I asked, then he had improved his character. I was very niave. The reality is that he still had poor character but was faking good character 4 the moment. I was always surprised when that bad character(that I saw with my own eyes)came back to bite me. Duh! The way a person treats others is the way that person will eventually treat u. The way a person behaves reveals his character. Period.
If a person tells me anothers secrets, I can be sure he's telling my secrets. If a person lies or asks me 2 lie, eventually he'll lie 2 me. If a person is violent w/others, he'll eventually be violent w/me. A mans vulgar comment reveals that he'll eventually dishonor me. Ur behavior reveals ur character which reveals who u REALLY are.

** NOTE: "He" refers 2 both men & women.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Growth Hormone Treatments Are Still Working Great!

We had an appointment with the endo doc today. Bash is 5' 5 1/4". He grew 1 1/4 inches in 3 months. He reached the 50 percentile on the height chart for the first time in his life in December. When he was younger the docs estimated that he would have been no taller than 5"3' as a full grown adult without the growth hormone treatments. Yayee for growth hormones! Now that he's reached the 50th percentile on the height growth chart he has the option of staying on the treatments until his growth plates fuse or stopping them any time (the daily injection causes many children a lot of stress so they want to stop them as soon as they can, or they are happy with their height. Bash is tough. He usually gives himself his own injections.) He gets a bone scan yearly to check that.

He is not as unhappy as he appears in the picture. He doesn't like to smile for the camera anymore (I guess it's not cool) so I get this sulky looking face instead. LOL He's still a cutie pie.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Random Ramblings :)

March is here! That means that winter is almost over. Soon it will be warm enough for a road trip. Yayee! I can't wait.
The boyz spent the weekend with my brother. They completely emptied his storage unit. He and his wife are finally finished moving.
I think that if the boyz continue being gone this much I will need to find a new hobby. I used to really enjoy the solitude when they were gone, but lately I have been getting way too much alone time.
I finally started painting again. Painting helps the boredom but doesn't do a thing about the lonelies. Maybe I will invite friends over for lunch, or dinner, or maybe tea and cookies. That will be fun! Plus it will give me an excuse to cook and bake. Fun! :)

The ice butterfly was one of the ice sculptures in Frankenmuth.