Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trust In The Lord

You can ask the Lord because He will not give you a wrong answer.
You can wait upon the Lord because His timing is always perfect.
You can trust in the Lord because He makes no mistakes.
You can hope in the Lord because He holds your future.
You can rest in the Lord because He is in control of your life.
You can lean upon the Lord because He is completely faithful.

I recently borrowed that from a friends facebook status. The photo is of a tree across the street from our home.

We are still working on our frozen water situation. The pump has been repaired, new (and working) heat tape has been attached, and the pipes are still thawing. My brother and sister in law offered to let us stay in their big house until we have running water again. My brother, his father, and Bash have been working on my pipes and pump. Yayee for awesome family!!! Thank you, God, for providing the funds and help to get this job done. We are very blessed!

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