Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Week

Kathryn and Dad at our family Christmas party

We love living in Clio again!
Debbi came to stay with us for a bit too. We are having lots of fun.

Christmas was nice.

The boyz and I had family Christmas a week early at Dad and Judys because Dave and Deanna and the kids were going to Florida for the holidays. We had a delicious dinner and lots of fun chatting and sharing gifts.

Abby had puppies on the 23rd of December. It was quite exciting and they are so incredibly cute! We named them Christmas/winter names. Angel, Belle, Holly, Jesus (pronunciation hay-soos), MerryMary, and Noelle.

The boyz spent the real Christmas with their dad. Debbi and I went to Dad and Judy's on Christmas day. We took food over and Judy and Debbi made a wonderful lunch then we spent the day relaxing and chatting.

We spent the week relaxing and enjoying family and friends.

The boyz came home from their visit with their father today. It is good to have them back.

We Named Our Christmas Puppies!

Angel- fawn female
Belle- fawn female SOLD
Holly- white female w/dark brown patches
Jesus(pronounced hay-soos)-tiny fawn male
Merry Mary- fawn female
Noelle- tiny fawn female

They are sooooo cute and snuggly!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Puppies For Christmas!

Puppy Preview- more pics coming soon!

Abby had puppies! These little cuties were born on December 23rd, just in time for Christmas! (They will be ready to go home February 17th.)

I had a great Christmas even though my boyz were with their father. Debbi is staying with us for a bit. She and I went to Dad and Judy's for the afternoon. We made food and Judy made food and we all ate and talked and laughed and had a great time. Debbi and I came home in the evening and hung out and did a whole lot of nothing. It was great!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas also!!!